Well, its coming, its almost here, Thanksgiving! I love it because right after I get to decorate for Christmas. I love how Ronell has already decorated for Christmas but I have to wait. I don't want one holiday to overrun the other. My family is all coming this year, to be with mom, it should be alot of fun and very noisy! I recieved a challenge in one of my painting groups, they posted the head of a turkey, quite ugly by the way. No wonder they lose their heads. I thought I would take a few minutes and paint it last night. As I painted this little song started to come out of my mouth. It was a song from long ago, a school play that our youngest daughter was in. I sat and sang and painted. Jennifer said it was very creepy! LOL
Here's the picture, I challenge everyone to paint their own version of this goobler for Thanksgiving. Then post your link here, let us know how to come and see it! Here is the song... beware cuz its pretty catchy.
Gooble Gooble Gooble, Fat Turkey Fat Turkey
Gooble Gooble Gooble, Fat Turdeys are we
We're not here for living, we're here for Thanksgiving
Gooble Gooble Gooble Fat Turkeys are we!
Happy Thanksgiving