
Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!! We are coming to the end of our Marvelous May Market Give-away!

As my excitement about market has played out and May is winding down so are the opportunities to win. We had a fantastic time working and traveling down the coast. We visited new places and saw friends and family! The weather was amazing and we never tired of our adventures! Dennis and Linda made our visit to The Redwoods even better! We are feeling so blessed. My mom and brother live in paradise, filled with flowers, antiques and green rolling hills close to the ocean! Enjoy some of the photos from our travels!

I want to remind everyone to keep commenting here and on FB to be entered into the drawing in June. You have until May 31st to be included. I also have a few more things for the basket but will have to post them later, once I get them unpacked!!

This Memorial Day I want to honor all the veterans that fought for our country! We are blessed and honored that we can call ourselves American. The grandkids all met at the Riverside National Cemetery to honor their grandfather we lost Jan 1,2012. We love you dad!!


  1. Those peonies are eye-popping PINK!!! And the rest of the flowers really glow with color too! Thanks for sharing your mother's beautiful flowers! Hope your ankle is better!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once again you have made me miss Northern California and all it's beauty. I sure wish I had your mother's green thumb. Her garden is just gorgeous.

  4. Thanks Penny and Martha, her gardens are amazing and so many things were in full bloom. we missed the Rhodies but got to see the end of the Peonies!

  5. Wonderful photos and happy that you all had a great trip. I am in Oregon and will be on the Coast tomorrow - weather is beautiful with fluffy clouds, so green and wild flowers all along the roads. Looking forward to more of that basket!

  6. You always have the nicest posts and such lovely photos. I haven't been out there to see the giant redwoods in eons!

  7. Just wanted to let you know. I have almost finished embroidering the "Tiny Town" by Bunny Hill designs, then I am going to use your colored pencil method to color it all in! I'm so excited. Thanks to you, I have found my love of coloring again.
