
Monday, March 19, 2012

Cara Cara completed

Well I finished my painting and I am very pleased with it. I think its so funny how I always feel that this is the best so far, until I paint the next one and I fall in love all over again. A fickled life we artists have, this continued journey of growth and learning. I have changed the background several times. I didnt like the orange above the group of oranges, I felt the reflected light up there didnt make sense visually so I took it out. Here is my finished piece called "Cara Cara".


  1. incandescent!

    lovely and luminous :>)

  2. I can't believe you can do this with pastel! Stunning Desiree, and the name Cara Cara suits the work so well.

  3. Thanks Vivein and Cathy,so nice of you to visit my blog being as busy as you both are! I really appreciate your comments.

  4. All I can say is - wow, wow, wow. What a fantastic work - so vibrant.

  5. Thanks Bridget! I am really happy with the colors, I love those sunset colors from Terry Ludwig

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