
Friday, October 28, 2011

The Daily Paintworks challenge

This week for the DPW challenge we were to select just one item and divide our paper or canvas into 4 small squares, about 3"x3", so thats what I did. Then we were to take our one item and set the timer for 10 minutes and paint our object in one of the squares. When the timer goes off stop and reset the timer and move to the next square. We were not supposed to get caught up in the details as you will not finish in time. Most of the painters on the site use oils so they don't have the drying issues I was having with watercolor. I might do this challenge again and use pastels this time but I appreciated the challenge. As you paint each new image you get better at judging the time and you are able to get more in quickly. I struggled as my paint bled and moved around too much to get much of any details. I also chose persimmons since I had bought them recently and love them! I ended up with what seemed to be nothing more than 4 yellow/orange blobs. I think another fruit might be better but maybe it was me. I continued to play and fiddle, I was done with the challenge, now I was having some fun. I added lines, pencils lines, white gouche, more layers of paint, anything I wanted. Here is my progression, I don't know if I am done yet and will revisit it all tomorrow. It is starting to remind me of tiles and I am liking it. I need to get some sleep! I am under so much stress right now with not much time for painting. I find it leaves me without an outlet to relax so tonight I took some time to paint. AHHH, now for an excedrine PM and bed!


  1. Oh, my goodness! This is BEAUTIFUL! Fills my eyes to the Brim.

  2. hey desiree, going to check this out .. looks like fun... love the one on the bottom right...

  3. I like your persimmons - I knew right away that's what they are - we have a whole tree of them - I will bring some to you when I come for the November journaling class!

  4. Desiree, I love your persimmons. I just bought some too. I haven't water colored in ages, I could not think what to paint. Duh!

  5. Thanks everyone I really appreciat your comments and hope you all check out the weekly challenges they are a great way to stretch yourself.
