
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

My crazy life

I find that life seems to come in waves of my time verses everyone elses time. As moms and wives and working women it seems as though our lives are a constant wave of juggling. We put our needs on the backburner as we attempt to make sure everyone elses needs are met. Right now, I find that I am pulled in so many different directions that I have lost my ability to do it all! Its amazing how we have this juggling act going on to get it all done and when a new, often unexpected event happens it causes all the spinning plates to fall to the ground. Trying to regroup and start the plates again but need a day without interuption! Is there such a thing??? I am not complaining mind you, I am just sad when I am unable to do all the things I have promised to do. Can I hear an AMEN!


  1. Amen, sister!!! I'm right there with you!! Terri

  2. Oh yes... Amen loud and clear! Helen

  3. You are so right! ...cutting back and still we get pulled here and there.
