
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Watercolor Christmas cards

I love painting my Christmas cards, I have done that for the last few years. I paint an original and then upload the image to be printed onto cards. This year I was feeling a bit Scroogish and wasn't going to send any cards. I wasn't even going to paint a card but I also belong to an online watercolor group and every year we paint one original painting as a card and send it to an exchange person. I love this group of artist and really enjoy doing the exchanges with them. So I painted this cardinal and decided I liked it well enough to have some cards printed. My Christmas cards will be late this year but at least I am sending some. Cindi got the original and she liked it. I don't paint birds very often so this was working outside my comfort zone.


  1. Its a gorgeous watercolour - and a lovely card :) xx

  2. Beautiful! I'm a sucker for falling snow! How did you create the snowflakes?

  3. Shirley, some watery white paint and a toothbrush to spatter it.

  4. cindi not only likes this beautiful card.. she LOVES it!!! thank you so much desiree!! it will have a place of honor on the mantle all the holiday season.. and in my art room, forever!! thank you!

  5. As usual, a gorgeous card painting! I always love your Christmas Cards and have several framed in my studio.

  6. I haven't had a chance to pop in to visit in a while, and I'm glad I did! Your card is lovely!!! I like the cardinal with the snow effect. Love your tree below too. I agree that putting up a Christmas tree is like a trip down memory lane. All the ornaments on my tree have special memories. Enjoy!!
