
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Another small project

Another small project
Originally uploaded by ddhabicht


  1. Ooooh, this is exquisite! I LOVE this small project of yours. You are such a unique and wonderful artist.

    I was wondering--I've started a meme--FAT Tuesday to feature artists who inspire me--I was wondering if you would mind if I featured you in the coming weeks?

    I also wanted a place where artists could share their work and excitement for one another's pieces.

    Would you be interested? I would love to feature one of your beautiful pieces of artwork--let me know!

  2. Hi Beth, thats sounds wonderful, I would be honored to be featured, make sure you let me know which project and also the blog so I can follow it!

  3. Oh Desiree! This is so imaginative and super CUTE! I'd love this for my own garden! When are the garden Cutie Patootie fabrics due out - and your book of projects?
