
Monday, August 23, 2010

More work on the sunflowers

It is slow but I got a bit further today, struggling with the look of
the foliage, but I decided to let it happen and then go back in and
adjust values. Really pushing the color on this painting, I hope the
tile counter brings in a nice resting area for the eye since there
isn't one as of now!


  1. Beautiful progress on this awesome painting, Desiree. My eyes are enjoying the exercise - they can rest when I don't have something so lovely to look at. :)

  2. Your art is so pleasing to look at and admire!

  3. Thank you both, I noticed that these iphone pictures are not great at capturing the colors that are in the painting. I will take a real photo next installment. Hoping to finish this up so I can move onto the next project.

  4. Is this a painting? I can hardly tell. I love it.

  5. I've been waiting to see this painting. I've had these sunflowers on my mind, they are just so gorgeous. You are doing a phenomenal job. Can't wait to see it completed:)
