
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Working on a new project

With my new fabric due to arrive in two weeks I have been scrambling to get ready with new projects and quilts. I am also writing my first project book! It will be filled with fun, fast projects that work with my fabric lines and even once they are gone. It has been a blast to wake up in the morning and say, I need to figure out how to sew a carrot or a beet! LOL Fun, fun. These are some of the pillows that I will have patterns for in my book " Gardening with Friends". Keep checking back often to see other projects that will be featured. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hotel Herdell is finally Finished!!!

I took the weekend to finish my sunflower painting, the photo was taken at a friends house. She is so hospitable and puts us up and feeds us during our girls weekend and pastel class. She has a window that gets wonderful west sun and the sunshine came in on this one day and backlit the sunflowers so that they glowed. Hope you like it, I am so ready to move on to the next one!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Got a couple of hours

Tonight I found so time to work on my sunflowers. Still so much to do,
I need to finish it since I am starting to get tired of it and feel
like I am going to have to push myself to finish. It's all about
enjoying the journey of the painting. I am trying to get some of the
bigger areas blocked in with color they will need the details added

Monday, August 23, 2010

More work on the sunflowers

It is slow but I got a bit further today, struggling with the look of
the foliage, but I decided to let it happen and then go back in and
adjust values. Really pushing the color on this painting, I hope the
tile counter brings in a nice resting area for the eye since there
isn't one as of now!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Some fun new art projects

Working on samples for my new art quilt classes, more soon.
I originally posted this from my phone, seems I don't even have time to grab my camera anymore, load the photos into my computer and edit them. Now I just shoot and post, easy peasy. My daughter in law was telling me that her phone has more megapixals than her camera now, hmmm interesting. Makes you wonder if cameras are heading in the way of the typewriter. I watched my grandkids and their friends, all teenagers, taking pictures with their phones at our party today. I asked, hey did anyone bring a camera, I got a unanomous NO, just our phones. My breakfast bar was a cell phone parking lot, tons of phones sitting there while the kids swam. I should of taken a picture of them with my phone and posted it! LOL

Sunday, August 08, 2010


Working on my pastel out back, too pretty to be inside.