
Friday, May 07, 2010

My fabric has arrived and other projects

I have been busy, busy trying to get things done as my fabric arrived the other day. I will be posting the full line soon. I also have been working on other projects that I will be sharing also. One of the fun, easy and funky projects I have been working in are these tyvek wallets. Tyvek is the envelopes that you get from Fed X or you can buy them. I bought a box to make these fun wallets with. They are waterproof, lightweight and just kind of fun and funky to give as gifts.  Here is the Utube video that offers you step by step directions to follow. I painted my wallet in a few minutes (make sure you paint it in the right direction) and had the wallet done in about 20 minutes.  I hope you enjoy as much as I did. You can use watercolor, acrylics, felt pens etc. Just play around and have fun.


  1. I had seen the tyvac wallets before and thought they were an interesting idea...especially after seeing them sold in a boutique in Manhattan right before that. These look great! Happy Mother's Day!!

  2. That was fun and alot of work if you are going to be making so many for the entire Sketchercise group.

  3. Yeah, but you know Pat there are really only a few of us posting that will know. LOL
