
Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas Traditions Day 8- more traditions

Well, I seemed to come up with enough traditions to keep me going so far, one week down, 2 to go! That's right, Christmas is just around the corner, time to get all those last minute things done that you have been putting off. Sending cards, baking your time is running out.

My dear friend Marta has some wonderful traditions in her home. Every year she makes Tamales for her family to enjoy on Christmas eve. In 2007 I got my first lesson in Tamale making from an authentic Hispanic friend, Marta! LOL We had so much fun and I learned some of the family secrets, which I have been sworn to secrecy. Marta even took the time to make a book of recipes and family pictures which she presented to her family that Christmas. What a wonderful, personalized gift for a family. There are many places where you can just download your pictures and with pre-formatted pages its pretty easy! Check out Marta's blog and read about her family traditions. I think for a small fee you might be able to buy one of her books! LOL


  1. This reminds me of visiting my sister in San Diego one Christmas. Her good friend, Rosie, invited us to a tamale making party with her daughters. It was a lot of fun.

  2. Anonymous8:20 AM

    What a beautiful photo of the two of you! One day I hope I will get to taste those famous tamales...I only read and hear and drool about them!

  3. Hey, don't we look cute!!!! Thanks for sharing my Christmas tradition on your blog. Think you can come help again?

  4. Sure, how about coming over here and lets have a baking day!

  5. oh, that sounds like fun!!!
