
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Some mans trash is another mans ... artwork?

The joke in my house is that nothing is safe from either my pencils or paints. Everything and everyone is fair game! I was getting excited about my keys and decided to draw everyones keys when I happened upon a pile of peanut shells, wow, how interesting. Although many tried to throw them away as trash I managed to keep this pile until the drawing was finished!


  1. Great title and such a nice piece. How much time did this take you ?

  2. Thanks Dominique, I draw at night before bed for a few hours. This took me several days, I would guess 6-8 hours. It's so hard to gauge when I work on it here and there. Sounds like a long time but there was a lot of details. The drawing is 9" x12".

  3. Great job on the inside and the outside of the peanut shells. This looks great! My husband laughs at me when he's ready to toss something and I say I want it to sketch it.

  4. Wow, it's amazing! I'm glad you said it took 6-8 hrs. I've never worked longer than an hour on one and I was thinking I could never catch that much detail in such a short amount of time!

  5. facinating study, and yes art is everywhere!

  6. We had a "product design" project for a design class I once took. Of all things, I chose a can of Planter's peanuts to draw! (laughing) Seeing this made me think of that!
    You did a great job on this drawing.

  7. Thanks everyone, Joan, that sounds like my husband! Raena, for me drawing before bed is supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable, so I take my time, enjoying the process. Beena, I would love to see your drawing, do you still have it?

  8. desiree.. this is lovely.. its so fresh!!! really nice!!
