
Friday, April 24, 2009

Oh these chains that bind us!

My mom has been here since October, trying to get better. I have been caring for her along with Jennifer. When she was the sickest and I was trying to get her back and forth to the hospital she always grabbed her purse, complaining it was so heavy and she need to get a smaller purse. We always tease her because she is always working and usually carries hammers, levels, wrenches in her purse but she swore she didn't have any tools in there. I would throw her purse on my shoulder that also carried my leather purse, another two ton bag as I wheeled her into the hospital. One day, after many tiring hours of hauling the purses, my mom, and myself all over the hospital to different doctor appt's I decided to look inside her purse and see what she could possibly be carrying. To my amazement I pulled out a huge ring of keys and said, oh my gosh, are you moonlighting as a janitor? Which she replied I have another set just as large. What could you possibly have this many keys too? She opened the offices where she still works, she has most of her furniture and possessions in storage units which all have keys. She has containers on her property that also contain her treasures, with locks, and then there are the house keys, car keys and gate keys. Wow, it was amazing. All this time I had been hauling a bag of metal! I am trying to get her to take off her car key with my house key and use a smaller key chain, she isn't going for it though! There is some deeper meaning to all the keys we carry around. I know I have a drawer that has a plastic cup full of old keys I am too afraid to throw away, just in case someday I remember what they go to and need to open it! LOL Here is my drawing this morning, as I drank my coffee and thought about how hard it will be to go through those keys in an emergency to try and find something! I did eliminate some since I didn't have time to draw that many keys.


  1. I love your drawing, and your post. I love keys. Especially old keys. I even have some unusual old keys among my button collection, awaiting a quilt to sew them onto for a unique embellishment. Crazy, huh??? Sewing keys to a quilt...

    Maybe you could be brave and empty that cup, and sew a few to a mixed media piece! If you do, make sure you take a pic and post it! I'd love to see it!

  2. I have the same cup in my house thinking the same thing.
    Do we ever ask ourselves when we die what is to become of these things we are so attached to. Do we not realize 1/2 will go in the trash 1/4 we'll sell and 1/4 will be kept by someone (maybe, if they have the same taste)

  3. The keys look great, you did a nice job catching the depth and different textures. Wonderful drawing. That is definitely a lot of keys. Look forward to seeing more of your work.

  4. The drawing is lovely, Desiree. Isn't it funny how it is so hard for us to give things up, even if it simplifies our lives. I know I've carried around keys that I couldn't identify for the longest time too, with the thought that just some day I might need it. lol

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments. Dominque, I do think that all the time. I think about that with my artwork, families never know what to do with it. Beena, I love old keys, we own jars of skeleton keys that fit old doors and pieces of antique furniture. I love the idea to sew them all onto a quilt, but between the purses and the quilts I would be in traction! LOL

  6. Desiree, beautiful drawing by the way. I understand exactly what you mean. We all feel attached more or less to something. I have many old things that I don't want to throw away too.
