
Friday, March 28, 2008

Life drawing

I managed to get out last week with Marta and Dawn for the museum's life drawing class. When we arrived there was a note on the door saying that it had been canceled. We were all so disappointed and as we walked down there stairs to leave the model came up to us and said "I am here but they told me that it was too late, they canceled". We convinced them to let us go in and have class and so we all got to draw. This model was new to us, and I think he was new to modeling since he asked us how he should pose and how long etc. It was really weird because he didn't really know how to pose, trying to hold his arms above his head for 20 minutes, I think he needed the money. It went ok and others soon joined us. It was great to draw but meeting before hand for sangria and tapas and just visiting with each other was the best.


  1. Oh what fun - a great story to go with great sketches and you helped provide for that starving model!

  2. Great job. Enjoyed seeing these..

    I'm way too modest to ever be a life model..haha.

    thankfully there are those in the world who will model. Do they get paid much?


    glad you're feeling better by the way.

  3. LOL I don't think I could do it either. Although I did pose one time when our model didn't show up, but I have my clothes on. I don't think they get paid that much, maybe 15$ an hour, but I don't know for sure. Maybe I will ask next time. I am feeling better today, off to UCLA tomorrow for a post surgery check up for Jenn.

  4. I am glad you get to have fun drawing and helping the model in need. The drawing look great.
