
Thursday, April 26, 2007

Great Advice!!

Wendee made a comment on my last post about working with a bigger brush for looseness. It reminded me of my conversation with one of the wives from the plein aire group, I was telling her how I was painting so tight and was really trying to loosen up. She said her husband was having the same issues and was taking classes from a famous plein aire oil painter. At one of their sessions the teacher was telling him you are just too tight, let me see you glasses. He took the glasses and said ok now let me see your brushes, and pulled out the largest one. He handed it to the man and said ok, now paint!!Since he couldn't see the details he couldn't paint them and the larger brush helped him not be so fussy! I loved that piece of wisdom, now to try it!


  1. WONDERFUL advice!!! I am learning to use a larger brush -- but I just can't remove my contacts -- I won't see ANYTHING!! LOL

  2. Sounds like good advice to me. I know I look at the world without my glasses and it takes on a nice fuzzy patina. =)

  3. Hmmm... big brushes, no glasses ... that just might work!

  4. Great story and so can't be tight with a big brush!
    I do enjoy your work...
