
Sunday, April 22, 2007

Dos Lagos Plein aire day

Happy Earth Day!! Our Plein Aire group went out to paint nature and encourage Earth day. It turned out to be a pretty lack luster day for me. I couldn't really settle in on what to paint and I have decided that Plein aire is just hard!!! Its hard for me anyway, I have to figure out how to settle in on what to paint. My mind hasn't figured it out yet so it becomes very frustrating to be painting pictures that look like a first grader got ahold of my paints and then to have people stopping by to watch you! I didn't have much fun today. I am determined to figure this thing out though! I will let you know how I do, I am going to paint a few more of these photos I took and see if I can come up with something worth selling the owner. I am in the middle range and lack value and interest in all the stuff I painted. UHHH bad art day today.


  1. Even with discomfort, you managed a beautiful scene!!! Plein air is difficult for me because everything dries so fast in my sketchbook .. and that light is ALWAYS changing ... for me, I'm just not fast enough! LOL Keep up the great work!!

  2. The scene you posted conveys such a nice relaxed feeling, even if maybe you weren't feeling that way.

    Like Lin said - plein air is hard - - you need to find a nice subject, deal with changing lighting, it's warm (or cold, or hot, or wet, windy, whatever), and worst of all, there are people that wander by to watch what you're doing ! Ack! Don't beat yourself up. I find if something isn't working, I stop, and try something else. Either a different view or vantage point, or a different medium. But, I guess, too, I'm not at a point yet where I'll do 'finished' pieces all in one sitting outside - - I try to take it all in and enjoy being able to draw from life with real sunlight. Keep at it! :)

  3. Lovely work, Dianne. Plein air is so difficult - things change so quickly. I think you've done a wonderful job with this. I'm looking forward to seeing what you did with Marta the other day!
