
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Drawing in public

Well I had my yearly womenly doctors appointment. You know the ones where you get assaulted and have to pay for it. Well the waiting room is always full of moms, and kids and pregnant moms-be so I took along my sketching book. I knew the wait would be long so it was a great opportunity to draw people. The hardest part about drawing people in a small room when everyone is sitting in a big circle looking at each other is to not let them know I am drawing them. I have been getting better at looking harder and better so I don't have to look up as often. There were a group of kids in the waiting room, the one boy kept getting in trouble for not staying in his seat. His mom would scold him and he would sit still for about 15 seconds and then his spine would turn to jello and he would slither out of his chair, going under the arm and into the one next to them. It was funny watching her try and keep him corraled. The next set of kids were brother and sister, waiting for their mom with their grandma. The young girl kept trying to be the mom but the grandma had the final word. The little boy would pull away from the grandma and say "Where mommy go?" and the grandma would say "Shes coming" and then she would say "Come here" and he would say "NO!" and the whole conversation would start again. It repeated itself about 40 times before the nurse came out and put on a movie and saved the day for the grandma who was trying her best to keep him in line. LOL, the good ole days.


  1. Wonderful sketches. I particularly like the first one!

  2. love the one you have of the back of the two kids. i've been taking the easy route of mostly drawing from photographs. Seeing work like yours makes me want to draw from life too.

  3. I have to laugh because I did a post on my blog about the "visit" and it was not the same experience as yours LOL!. I don't know if it was a good thing you had time to draw, but at least you got some really nice sketch/studies done. Enjoyed looking at them.

  4. Great sketches! Love that little girl with the long hair.

    I was recently in the dentist office and ended up drawing the guys feet cuz he kept looking at me and I was afraid I would insult him. Sketching makes the waiting so much more fun.

  5. These are just super! Lovely expression on the boys face - that's how much I like waiting rooms!
